Newsletter 10

Pyrography Workbook
A Complete Guide to the Art of Woodburning

by Sue Walters

160 PAGES - FULL COLOUR - 8.5" X 11"
Recommended Retail: $19.95 USD

FOR SOLID POINT AND WIRE NIB BURNERS. (Both North American and European/Australian types.)

Everything you need to know to create stunning pyrography artwork through three step by step projects including.

- For Beginning Woodburners: Ducks & Bulrushes
- For Intermediate Woodburners: Golden Eagle
- For Advanced Woodburners: Wolf

Inside you'll find:
- Pyrography history, equipment, work area and safety - Materials, preparation and finishing -Texture Squares - Woodburning techniques such as solar, negative, relief, engraving, color, torch, pyrographic machine and hot wire - In depth instruction on creating animal fur, feathers and eyes-plus simple ways of burning natural objects, water, trees, bushes, rocks, and grass - Methods for burning onto wood, leather, paper, bark, and antlers, are detailed alongside ample pictures of pyrography on the various materials that will inspire novice woodburners. - Bring color to the artwork using different pigments and effects - Ideas for using your new found skill


(Please click on each image for a bigger picture)